Breaking News: "Steorn NOT a hoax" - Dr Mike's Report

Friday, July 13, 2007

"My conclusion after going through all this is that Steorn is neither hoax nor scam. It is delusion. The reason it seems surreal is because it is surreal - we are the real part of someone elses imagination."

"I am certain Steorn really believed I would see something that resembled their claim. They spent a lot of money setting up this demo and some 2000 pounds sending me over and putting me up. There are much cheaper ways to pull a con. If it was a hoax, the whole upstairs would not exist, nor would Sean have taken the time to go through all the details of how he thinks it all works. I can not describe any of those details without breaking the NDA, so it puts me in a fairly strange position."

Full Report Here

What Dr Mike cannot explain is that If indeed this were delusion then it would mean the entire company, staff, directors, investors are ALL delusional. Not only that, but they would all have to have been in a collective state of delusion for a period of 3 years.

This new report from Dr Mike backs up the case once again that Steorn are truly in posession of over-unity systems (free energy) and surely crushes any prospect of fraud or hoax once and for all.

If Steorn are guilty of anything, it seems they are just guilty of bad planning and crisis management for their demo.



Anonymous,  July 21, 2007 at 4:13 PM  

"This new report from Dr Mike backs up the case once again that Steorn are truly in posession of over-unity systems (free energy) and surely crushes any prospect of fraud or hoax once and for all"

No, it doesn't. Elsewhere, Dr. Mike says exactly the opposite: that there is nobody who has ever seen any evidence that Steorn has anything remarkable at all. All he's saying is that Steorn people are too dumb to work a good scam. He's saying they have to believe in their own claims which he says means that they are deluded. How you make that into proof that they have something is hard to understand.

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